Is your cat having trouble moving their back legs, all four legs, or another part of their body? This could be a sign of paralysis, which included laryngeal paralysis - a condition affecting the upper airway. Learn more about it from our Gilbert vets share information about the condition.
Understanding Cat Paralysis
In terms of your cat's mobility, there are two types of paralysis that cat owners should be aware of the ensure compliance.
Sudden or Gradual Paralysis
A cat can suddenly or gradually become paralyzed for more than a dozen reasons. Here are a few of the most common causes of damage to a cat's spinal column:
- Traumatic injury (car accident, fall, fight)
- Cryptococcus infection
- Stroke
- Toxoplasmosis
- Peritonitis
- Infection in the spine or in bones or tissue near the spinal column
- Slipped discs damaging or pinching the nearby nerves
- Inflammation around the spine placing pressure on nearby nerves
- Tick paralysis is a condition caused by neurotoxins found in the saliva of ticks, transferred to the pet when the tick latches on for a period of time
- Tumors in the spine or brain that place pressure on nearby nerves
- Malformation of the spine or individual vertebrae
- Nerve damage caused by toxins such as botulism
- Obstruction of an artery restricting proper blood flow to the affected body part
Complete & Partial Paralysis
Normally, your cat's nerves are constantly sending messages from his spinal cord to his brain that trigger movement in the body. If these nerve signals are interrupted, paralysis can occur.
Complete paralysis will leave your cat completely unable to move their legs, tail, or other parts. In contrast, partial paralysis (paresis) is the lack of full control over a given body part.
As you might expect, complete paralysis will be obvious (and alarming) for pet parents to notice. Paresis is characterized by symptoms such as slow-motion movements, weakness, reluctance to move, or twitching.
Cats can also experience permanent or temporary paralysis.
Diagnosing Complete & Partial Paralysis in Cats
Your vet works to diagnose your cat's condition. They will gather information about your cat's recent symptoms, including their onset and severity.
This will mean providing your vet with a recent history of your cat's symptoms, whether their onset was sudden or gradual, and whether the severity of the symptoms has fluctuated.
The vet will conduct a full physical examination, including gentle manipulation of the affected limb(s), and potentially test to determine whether your cat has a pain response. Further diagnostic testing might include a CT scan, MRI imaging, or X-rays.
Treating Complete & Partial Paralysis in Cats
Treatment for paralysis in cats depends on the cause and whether it's temporary or permanent.
If an infection is the cause of your cat's complete or partial paralysis, treatment will include antibiotics to fight the infection. If an injury is causing your cat's paralysis, anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed to help reduce pressure on the spinal column.
Cats with full or partial paralysis will require considerable home care. Your vet will take the time to discuss how best to help your kitty, as well as your cat's prognosis and best next steps.
Laryngeal Paralysis
Laryngeal paralysis is a rare but serious condition in cats. It affects the upper airway when the larynx cartilages don't function properly during berating, causing increased breathing problems.
In the beginning, cats with laryngeal paralysis in cats is characterized by a noise that is created when the walls of the airway do not open as normal when your cat breathes in. As the condition becomes more severe, the walls of the windpipe may be drawn inward as your cat breathes in causing a narrowing of the windpipe and, in some cases, total blockage, leading to suffocation.
Signs of Cat Laryngeal Paralysis
If your cat is suffering from laryngeal paralysis, symptoms may include:
- Increased panting
- Panting even when at rest
- A raspy, or hoarse-sounding voice
In more advanced cases, pet parents may notice one or more of the following symptoms:
- Obvious signs of working hard to breathe (sides moving in and out with effort)
- Anxious or panicked facial expression
- Chest vigorously expanding and contracting to breathe
- Panting with lips pulled back as if smiling and tongue out
- Noise when your cat is breathing
- Tongue darker red or purple
- Reluctance to be touched or handled
Urgent veterinary care is required if your cat is showing any of the symptoms above! Contact your vet right away or head to the nearest animal emergency hospital.
Treatment for Laryngeal Paralysis in Cats
Your vet's top priority will be to stabilize your cat's condition. This may involve oxygen cooling (as cats with laryngeal paralysis overheat quickly), sedation, and possibly intubation to assist with breathing temporarily.
Laryngeal paralysis in cats does not resolve on its own. Once your feline friend's condition is stabilized, your vet will discuss the next steps with you. A surgical technique called Unilateral Arytenoid Lateralization or "Tieback" has produced promising results. In this surgery, one side of the airway is tied back to allow air to flow more freely into the lungs.
Other surgical options may be recommended if a Unilateral Arytenoid Lateralization is not suitable for your kitty.
Recovery of Paralysis in Cats
Your cat's chance of getting better depends on what's causing the problem and how serious it is. In some cases, such as severe paralysis or damage, healing may be unlikely or impossible. If your cat is experiencing permanent paralysis, you and your vet will discuss options and consider your pet's quality of life.
If your cat can get better, it's really important to stick to the medication and therapy schedule. The recovery process will be slow and lengthy, but typically, cat parents should start to see improvement over the course of 1 to 2 months. This period may include an extended hospital stay if your cat requires intense care you are unable to provide at home. Frequent follow up with your veterinarian will also be important.
Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.